Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blog Move

see ya there!

1 comment:

Our Westmoreland School said...

I'm commenting on both blogs, regarding your question about FLL.

It is redundant. The classes are outlined VERY clearly. It is scripted (instructor says: , child should say: ).

Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing, my son knows proper people, place and thing nouns clearly (as well as common). The class time is very short. The kids repeat definitions and the poem they're memorizing, at every lesson. This does insure that the ideas they're learning are carved in stone in their brains. I wouldn't be surprised if my son remembered these lessons word for word, far into the future.

No worries, it's just redundant, does that make sense?

My email is if you want to discuss further, or you can find me on the Well-Trained Mind Forum ( just look for the forums ;) ): lionfamily1999